SKU numbers: what are they, how to generate SKU numbers and how to use them?

How to generate SKU Numbers

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is a fundamental term in the world of selling and inventory management. It serves as a unique identifier for products and enables efficient tracking of inventory. Whether you’re an experienced seller or new to the concept, understanding SKU is crucial for effective stock management and seamless business operations.

Unlocking India’s D2C Marketing Opportunity: A Guide for D2C Brands and Professionals

Unlocking India's D2C Marketing Opportunity

The rise of Direct-to-Consumer or D2C brands has transformed the way businesses engage, market, and sell their products to consumers. In India, the D2C sector has witnessed significant growth, with over 600 brands launched since 2016. With the market size projected to reach $100 billion by 2025, it’s crucial for D2C brands, founders, and professionals in India to understand the trends and practical steps required to succeed in this dynamic landscape. In this article, we will explore the driving forces behind India’s D2C boom and provide practical advice for implementing successful strategies.