Navigating India’s Data Protection Bill 2023: A D2C Founder’s Insights

In today’s digital age, data lies at the heart of Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) businesses. Besides running ScoreKyaHua.Com, I am also a D2C founder. As a founder of a D2C brand in India, I’m acutely aware of the crucial role data plays in shaping our strategies and engaging with our customers. Recently, the spotlight has been on India’s Data Protection Bill 2023, sparking discussions across industries. This landmark legislation aims to safeguard individual privacy rights and regulate the processing of digital personal data within India. As a D2C founder, understanding the implications of this bill on our operations and customer relationships is paramount. In this article, we’ll delve into the key provisions of the Data Protection Bill 2023 from a D2C founder’s perspective and explore how it can impact our business.

Navigating India's Data Protection Bill 2023

Key Provisions of the Bill:

The Data Protection Bill 2023 introduces several critical provisions that have a direct impact on D2C businesses like mine. Let’s take a closer look at these key highlights:

Explicit Consent:

The bill mandates that personal data can only be processed for lawful purposes with the explicit consent of the individual. While there are exemptions for specific legitimate uses, such as government permits, licenses, benefits, and services, obtaining consent remains the foundation of data processing.

Example: Imagine my D2C brand, which sells organic skincare products, wants to send personalized recommendations to our customers based on their skin types. Under the new bill, we must ensure we have explicit consent from each customer before utilizing their data for this purpose, ensuring transparency and trust.

Data Accuracy and Security:

Data fiduciaries are now responsible for maintaining data accuracy, implementing robust security safeguards, and deleting data once its intended purpose has been fulfilled to protect user information.

Example: For my D2C business, this means ensuring that our customer profiles are accurate and secure, especially when handling sensitive skincare information. We must also promptly delete any customer data when it’s no longer needed for the intended purpose.

Empowering Individuals:

The bill grants individuals certain rights, including the right to access their data, seek corrections, request data erasure, and address grievances related to their personal data.

Example: If a customer in India reaches out to my D2C brand to correct their address or opt-out of our newsletter, we must honor these requests promptly, giving customers control over their data.

Protection of Children’s Data:

Special provisions are in place for the processing of data belonging to children below 18 years of age, requiring verifiable parental consent for data processing.

Example: My D2C brand must ensure that we obtain parental consent when collecting and processing data from young customers, ensuring their safety and privacy.

Cross-border Data Transfer:

Personal data can be transferred outside India, but only to countries approved by the central government, ensuring that data protection standards are upheld.

Example: If my D2C brand partners with an international supplier, we must ensure that the supplier’s country meets the standards set by the Indian government before transferring any customer data across borders.

Government Agency Exemptions:

Government agencies may be exempted from specific provisions based on grounds such as national security, public order, and the prevention of offenses.

Example: My D2C brand might collaborate with government agencies for initiatives like promoting local artisans. In such cases, it’s important to be aware of exemptions granted to government entities while respecting data privacy.

Data Protection Board:

The bill establishes the Data Protection Board of India, responsible for adjudicating non-compliance and overseeing the enforcement of provisions.

Example: The Data Protection Board serves as an essential regulatory body that ensures compliance. My D2C brand must be prepared to adhere to their guidelines and report any data-related issues promptly.

Impact on D2C Operations:

The Data Protection Bill 2023 has far-reaching implications for D2C operations in India. Let’s explore how these provisions affect our business:

Customer Data Usage:

Obtaining explicit consent for personalized recommendations is now paramount for my D2C brand. This involves implementing transparent consent mechanisms on our website and ensuring customers are aware of and agree to data usage.

Data Transparency and Accuracy:

We must maintain accurate customer profiles and promptly delete data when it’s no longer needed for its intended purpose. This builds trust with our customers and complies with privacy regulations.

Data Security:

Robust data security measures, such as encryption and regular security audits, are essential to protect customer information. Promptly reporting any data breaches is mandatory to maintain transparency and trust.

Empowering Customers:

Our D2C brand should facilitate easy access to personal data for customers and honor their requests for corrections or data erasure.

Cross-border Collaboration:

When collaborating with international partners, we must ensure compliance with data transfer restrictions and restrict data transfer to approved countries.

Child Data Protection:

For our D2C brand, which sells skincare products suitable for all ages, obtaining parental consent for data processing is essential when dealing with young customers.

Government Collaborations:

While collaborating with government agencies, we must be mindful of exemptions granted to them based on national security grounds while ensuring responsible data sharing.

Areas of Uncertainty for D2C Founders:

Despite the valuable guidelines provided by the Data Protection Bill 2023, several grey areas may pose challenges for D2C founders:

Defining Harm to Children:

The bill prohibits data processing that may harm a child’s well-being without defining the term “harm.” This ambiguity may lead to uncertainty when processing children’s data.

Government Exemptions Clarification:

The scope and extent of exemptions for government agencies based on national security grounds require further clarification to prevent potential misuse of personal data.

Data Transfer Oversight:

While the bill allows personal data transfer outside India, the lack of a comprehensive framework for evaluating data protection standards in other countries may create uncertainty for D2C businesses.

Startup Exemptions Clarity:

The criteria for startups and the extent of their exemptions remain ambiguous, potentially causing compliance challenges for smaller D2C businesses.

Rights Not Explicitly Mentioned:

The bill does not explicitly address the right to data portability and the right to be forgotten, which could impact customer trust and user experience in D2C operations.

Data Protection Board Term:

Concerns about the independence and impartiality of the Data Protection Board may arise due to the two-year appointment term with re-appointment potential.


Below, we’ve compiled a list of seven commonly asked questions relevant to the Data Protection Bill 2023 and its impact on Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) founders in India.

What is the Data Protection Bill 2023?

The Data Protection Bill 2023 is legislation aimed at safeguarding individual privacy rights and regulating the processing of digital personal data in India. It introduces provisions to protect data subjects and govern data handling by organizations.

How does the bill affect D2C businesses?

D2C businesses must obtain explicit consent for data usage, maintain data accuracy and security, and empower customers to control their data. Compliance with these provisions is essential to maintain trust and adhere to privacy regulations.

What is the significance of explicit consent?

Explicit consent ensures that customers are fully aware of how their data will be used. D2C founders should implement transparent consent mechanisms to seek permission before utilizing customer data for personalized services or marketing initiatives.

How can D2C brands ensure data accuracy?

Maintaining data accuracy involves regularly updating customer profiles and promptly deleting data when its intended purpose has been fulfilled. This practice builds trust with customers and aligns with the bill’s requirements.

What measures should D2C brands take for data security?

Robust data security measures, including encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits, are necessary to protect customer information. Additionally, swift reporting of data breaches is mandatory to maintain transparency and trust.

What are the challenges with cross-border data transfer?

D2C brands collaborating with international partners should ensure compliance with data transfer restrictions and limit data transfer to countries approved by the Indian government to meet data protection standards.

How can D2C founders adapt to the bill’s requirements?

Adapting to the bill’s requirements involves creating transparent data handling practices, facilitating customer data access, and collaborating responsibly with government entities. Collaboration with regulatory experts and staying informed about updates is crucial.


As a D2C founder, adapting our operations to align with the Data Protection Bill 2023 is both a challenge and an opportunity. By upholding data protection principles, D2C brands can continue delivering exceptional customer experiences while respecting privacy rights. Collaboration between industry stakeholders, regulatory authorities, and data protection experts is vital to navigate the complexities of the bill successfully. By actively seeking clarification and implementing best practices, D2C founders can thrive in the evolving landscape while fostering a privacy-centric approach in India’s data-driven economy.

Disclaimer: I share posts here based on what I learn, read, watch online as a D2C founder. To write the post I take AI’s help to create the initial draft and then I edit as per understanding.

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